How our body expresses our history and development fascinates me. The challenges and joys in life are continuous and imprint upon our bodymind, like the rings of a tree. My personal growth and experience, along with the journeys I share with others, teaches me the contentment and acceptance we seek comes through the integration of bodymind and our emotions
Our cats Timmy
& Peppi L'Amore
Guardian oak at Bear Creek in
Rochester Hills area
Sugarloaf Mtn. Upper Peninsula
Pastels by Kathryn
As a Certified TRE® Provider and Advanced Bowenwork® Practitioner, I assist individuals and groups to connect with their bodymind ... be present with sensations ... sync their bodymind with their emotions ... to become attuned, to trust and EMBODY
My partner Michael
Pyramid Point
I am so excited to be living in Cedar full time NOW! I have been a part-time homeowner in Empire & Cedar since 2005 and fell madly in LOVE with this area the moment I set foot here.
Kathryn MacKenzie BSc, CTREP, PBP,
Cedar & Rochester Hills, MI
248. 420. 4755
The body is amazing and filled with wisdom. Stress, tension and trauma (from the small t to the capital T) interfere with the quality of our lives
We spend tremendous focus, time and energy to expand our wealth, be it knowledge and/or financial. TRE® and Bowenwork® offer the opportunity to expand the "wellth" within by increasing well-being